DTX Minnow 145 Shallow - 1.5kn to 10+kn troll range

The Shallow running DTX Minnow 145 is a revolution in trolling minnows, featuring the Patented Autotune™ System as well as Hydrospeed advanced design technology, the DTX Minnow is in a class of its own.
The DTX Minnow 145 will reach a depth of 10ft and due to the wider body design and Autotune™ System, has an amazing action at troll speeds as slow as 1.5kn all the way through to 10kn+. The action at slower speeds is excellent due to the body design, and is only exaggerated at higher speeds to produce a lure that is versatile enough to be run inshore from a kayak, or offshore for large pelagics from a sportfishing boat.
- New shallow running model Autotune™ bib system - Fast, deep, straight.
- Hydospeed Belly Eyelet and Gorilla throughwire construction for extra strength
- Fitted with BKK TREBLES so you can fish it straight out of the box.
- The DTX 145 will reach a depth of 10ft when trolled at 8-10 knots.
- Trolling speed range from 1.5 knots to 10 knots